Springbrook Online Applications
Open Enrollment Overview
The Open Enrollment online application is part of the Employee Self Service (ESS) online application. The Open Enrollment application allows employees to research, enroll and update their benefit enrollment status at their own convenience.
This document provides a general overview of the elements that must be set up in order to use the ESS and Open Enrollment online applications.
Related Links
Click here for information on Open Enrollment Setup.
Click here for information on Web Setup.
Click here for information on Web Announcements Maintenance.
Click here for information on Web Quotes Maintenance.
Click here for information on generating Web Users.
Click here for information on Web Approvals.
Click here for information on the Open Enrollment batch process.
Step by Step
1 Create the Deductions, Benefits, Deduction/Benefit Groups and Enrollment Plans.
- Before you can offer online open enrollment to your employees, you need to confirm that the appropriate deductions, benefits, deduction/benefit groups and enrollment plans have been created and configured for the Open Enrollment process.
- Deductions and benefits are created and maintained on the PR Deduction/Benefit Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit).
- In order for a deduction or benefit to be used with the Open Enrollment process, the deduction or benefit must include at least one revision step (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Calculation tab> Step Revisions section).
- Existing deductions and benefits are configured for the Open Enrollment process on the HR Deduction/Benefit Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit). Here you will be able to create enrollment eligibility questions and attach explanatory documents to the deduction or benefit.
- Deduction/Benefit Groups are created and maintained on the Deduction/Benefit Group Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit Group). Here you will be able to group deductions and benefits and specify the default deduction that will be used if an employee waives coverage.
- Enrollment Plans are created and maintained on the Enrollment Plan Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Enrollment Plan). Here you will be able to set plan caps, specify eligible employees and associate deduction/benefit groups with the plan.
2 Configure the ESS online application.
- The Employee Self Service Setup window (SS> Web Application Setup> Employee Self Service) is used to configure how your employees use the ESS application. Here you will set up ESS details such as default contact and approval roles, what employee information is required to create an ESS account, and the help explanations that will be displayed on each page.
3 Configure the Open Enrollment online application.
- The Open Enrollment Setup window (SS> Web Application Setup> Open Enrollment) is used to configure the documentation and explanations available on the Open Enrollment application.
4 Set up the web defaults.
- The Web Setup window (SS> Web Application Setup> Web Setup) is used to specify the online applications' subdomain and the number of unsuccessful login attempts that will be allowed before a user is locked out of ESS and the Open Enrollment process.
5 Create Web Announcements and Web Quotes.
- The Web Announcements Maintenance and Web Quotes Maintenance windows (HR> Maintenance> Web Announcements and Web Quotes) are used to create and maintain the announcements and quotes that appear on the ESS home page.
6 Generate web user accounts for your employees.
- The Generate Web Users window (HR> Utilities> Generate Web Users) is used to generate web user accounts for your employees. This tool can be used to generate accounts for individual employees, entire departments, or entire organizations.
7 Create an Open Enrollment batch.
- Once the Open Enrollment application is set up and the employee accounts have been generated, an Open Enrollment batch (HR> Open Enrollment) must be created.
- On the Settings step of the Open Enrollment batch process you will specify the dates for the open enrollment period and the enrollment plans that will be available during that period. Once these details are specified, your eligible employees will be able to access the Open Enrollment application, research their enrollment options and enroll in the desired plans.
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